Monday, September 24, 2007

Bite-sized Heart Attack

Amsterdam is a great city for dining, but there are very few actual Dutch restaurants. When your most famous dish is raw herring (or, as our friend, John, calls it, Dutch sushi), you might have a problem attracting customers. However, the Dutch do like cafés and bars and, with any bar, you're going to need bar food. And that's where the Dutch cuisine really takes off. This, dear friends, is a Bitterball:

Looks harmless enough, kinda like a tater-tot, right?
But let's look inside:

That's right. That's gravy in there. Deep. Fried. Gravy. Mmmm, mmmm. Only in a country where everyone rides a bike everyday and has to walk up 3 flights of stairs to get into their homes can you get away with something this deliciously evil. So, how do they taste? Well, let's just say that we just signed up for a local gym membership.


letstrythis said...

Deep Fried Gravy? HOLY CRAP sign me up!

Vicki said...

This from a country that boasts of cheese with "at least" 45% fat! Come hungry, go home a bit heavier :)