Saturday, January 5, 2008

We Make-a da Pasta

Last night we tried out Erika's new Christmas present, the pasta maker. And when we say "we," we mean "Erika." Rob did turn the pasta maker crank for a while after Erika's arm got tired, but mostly his job is to hand her the stuff on the top shelf of the cabinet. To his credit, he's pretty good at that. Anyway, thanks to Rob's Mom for the great gift. Here's Erika in action:

Also notice that Rob is working the pasta maker while taking the photo. Multitalented, that guy. After you cut the pasta, you dry it on the handy rack.

And finally, add sauce. We went with one of our favorites, a Pink Vodka Sauce:

Buon appetito!


Jon said...

Rob is pink colored kind of guy. Doing laundry these days too buddy?

letstrythis said...

YUM! So YUM! Yum yum yum. Apparently I have nothing more constructive to say other than YUM FREAKING YUM.

letstrythis said...

YUM! So YUM! Yum yum yum. Apparently I have nothing more constructive to say other than YUM FREAKING YUM.