Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our Very Own Canal Cruise

One of the more relaxing ways to see the city is by boat.  The water's filthy, but the views are beautiful and floating below the city traffic and tourist crowds is wonderfully peaceful.  While the canal tours are informative and a good way to get introduced to Amsterdam, there's nothing like having your own boat.  Well, until now. 

We went in with some friends on a boat rental program.  It works a lot like those shared-car programs that many cities have.  We pay a yearly fee and put in a request for the days and hours we want the boat.  The motor's electric and therefore dummy-proof... well, allegedly dummy-proof.  Erika was a pro, but Rob hasn't sat in the captain's seat yet, so we'll have to see just how dummy-proof it is the next time out.  Anyway, the weather was gorgeous on Saturday and so we loaded up with snacks and drinks and met our friends for a few hours on the water. Enjoy:

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Waiting for my invite to drift in the SS travelbum. Nice pink shoes Rob. I hope it was just the editing that made it look like you were wearing pink shoes. "_
We are missing you two and can't wait to spend time again when you have recovered from your week of indefinite birth control.