"They're called capris," she said with disgust, "and they're huge in Europe right now. Pretty soon you'll see them everywhere so you'd better get used to it."
Rob learned two valuable lessons that night. First, making fun of a girl's outfit is not good strategy. And second, you can't stop fashion, no matter how silly it might look. Sure enough, soon capris were everywhere, even on people with no business wearing them. Even on men.
With that second lesson in mind, men of America, I give you the latest European fashion trend, coming soon to a store near you:

Red Pants!
These things are everywhere and on men of all ages. We can't figure it out and we can't stop it- we already know one American here who bought a pair to be 'ironic.' And, of course, that's how it starts. One man's ironic red pants is another man's trendsetter. So, fellas, consider yourselves warned.
So, Rob, when are you getting yours?
Finally, I can wear them proudly!
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