The weather and the city were beautiful and like good tourists, we managed to see the obligatory giant European church, although the one in Barcelona is actually a lot different than most:
Mostly though, we had fun hanging out with our friend, Colleen, who was in the neighborhood visiting her cousin, who is studying in Spain. Together, we saw the Sagrada Familia basilica above and took a gondola to the park that overlooks the city. Here, Erika enjoys the view:
Not everything went according to plan, however. Our friend, James, was supposed to join us and couldn't, so the girls mourned his absence over a few dozen drinks. James, you were missed.
Still, it was another great trip and Erika gets to hang out in Spain all week, "training" with the firm. Here she is, hard at work on her siesta:
Hey Guys! Glad you got to see Barcelona. One of my absolute favorite cities in the world. I loved the Gaudi architecture there so modern for even the current times. Although, he must have done some good drugs in order to create all that so long ago.
Have a blast. I'm jealous of all the fun you are having.
okay erika, here you go posing as some hotshot workaholic and this picture of you gets posted. okay, now how can the same girl be:
1) un-freaking-believably intelligent
2) a fabulously curly headed girl
3) blessed with porcelain skin
5) respected in finance
6) and get caught taking a nap in SPAIN?!?!?!?!
Thank god I love you, because I'd soon be hating you. ;)
Love you, too, Joey!
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