Update: YouTube had to take down the video we linked to. Here's another one with just the song and no cartoons. Listen to it and then see if you can go all day without singing it.
Rob doesn't know any French, other than what he gleaned from a lifetime of watching cartoons. Hence, he spent the entire weekend in Paris quietly muttering lines from Underdog and humming
this song from The Little Mermaid. Isn't he so worldly and refined?

Our weekend in Paris was wonderful. We took the fast train from Amsterdam- well, it's called the fast train because it can hit speeds of over 200 kmph, but it doesn't really reach those speeds until you leave Brussels three hours later, so really, it should be called the same-as-every-other-train-until-you-get-to-Brussels Train, but still. It rained Friday night, but we managed to have a plate of cheese and some drinks at a nice café near the Louvre and dinner at some fancy-schmancy (or was it hoity-toity?) restaurant that is famous for being cool and having appeared in some TV show that Rob doesn't watch and therefore must not exist (Erika says it was in Sex and the City). But, it was in a great location, and though this isn't the greatest photo, you can see that it is on the roof of a building overlooking the Seine:

On Saturday we enjoyed a walk through the park and headed to the Sainte-Chapelle, which is famous for it's vast columns of stained glass that tell the story of the Bible from Genesis to the Crucifixion. It was gorgeous:

Then, we took a walking tour of Montmartre and the Sacré Coeur, only the walking tour was in Dutch (the trip was sponsored in part by Erika's
Dutch firm), so we ditched it with some other Americans and made up our own tour, which of course was centered around crepes and beer.

Finally, on Sunday, we rented City Bikes and pedaled along the Seine, down the Champs Elysées, over to the Eiffel Tour and back again. While the Metro system in Paris is fantastic, biking was an amazing way to see the city. We had wonderful weather and it was a great first trip out of the city. And, it's only a "fast" train away from here, for any of you potential visitors out there...