We got quite a few runs in and then took Erika out to celebrate her big day, where she got to make her own birthday drink:
The next day we headed back up and during one of the trips up the gondola, we got the call about the new baby. So, we packed up the car and drove into Germany to help out (and hold the baby):
Mom and Baby are sequestered in the hospital (they're both fine, just getting some rest), and Dad is making his way back from a, um, business trip, so we've volunteered to watch the new big sis, Denali. We've always had a great time hanging out with Denali, but we really jumped in with both feet this time. This little kid is running us ragged! We've never been so tired. And there are two of us. We have no idea how Vicki does this on her own.
We hope to get some pics up, but right now, we've got our hands full with this monkey:
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