Monday, March 31, 2008

Steak on a Stone

We're back in Amsterdam after our stressful week of birth control babysitting. Mom, Dad, new baby and, yes, the still-living, still-breathing, and even-once-bathed two year old are all home together. You can check on their progress at the Duffy's link on the right. It was great to be able to help out and, even with the stress, we had a lot of fun. It's always great to be back in Germany and we were able to close out our trip with a visit to Rob's favorite restaurant, Gasthof (or Guesthouse) Schüttersmühle, or, as is more commonly known, Steak on a Stone.

Gasthof Schüttersmühle is on the eastern edge of an area of Germany known as the Fränkische Schweiz, or Franconian Switzerland. The Fränkische Schweiz is an area within Bavaria that is a huge tourist destination for Germans. The geography is similar to that of Switzerland (hence the name), and includes towering cliffs, hundreds of caves, a river for kayaking and rafting, several castles, and boasts the highest density of breweries in the world.

When you enter the guesthouse, you are greeted by its owner, Herr Heinz Zitzmann, who is a giant, bear of a man with huge paws, er, hands and a bushy white mustache. He's also about the friendliest German ever and when he remembers you will greet you with an enthusiastic, 'ah, the best American.' Rob hadn't been there for over two years, but Herr Zitzmann definitely recognized him and shamed him for not coming around anymore. We told him we now live in the Netherlands and when he brought out our dinners, he presented Erika's to 'the best lady from Holland.'

As far as dinner goes, in addition to a full menu of delicious German food, including an amazing Trout Cream Soup, the restaurant offers several cuts of meat served raw on hot stones that are heated in the oven. You then prepare the meat to your liking, and can also dip it in or grill it with one of 4 sauces on the side:

Washed down with a half-liter of Hefeweizen and this meal can't be beat. It was the perfect ending to our week. Just look at this happy guy:

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