Sunday, March 16, 2008

Two One-Horse Towns Minus the Horses

There isn't much to say about Rob and Brian's trip to Alkmaar and Edam. Both towns are famous for their cheese markets and little else. So, it was a little disappointing to get up and catch the train to Alkmaar only to find that the famous cheese markets don't start until April. Rob is too nice to point out whether or not Brian's guide book explicitly stated that the cheese market doesn't open until April, right Brian?

Still, the boys made the most of it. If Haarlem is a smaller, quieter, and more charming version of Amsterdam, then Alkmaar might be a smaller, quieter, and more charming version of Haarlem. The boys also tried to see the obligatory Giant European Church in Alkmaar, but it, too, was closed for renovations. At least the cafés were open. Oh, and Brian got to see his first windmill:

Alkmaar also has a strong sense of community and a real dedication to green living. The light posts are manually operated and the city runs shifts each night to power the lights:

Okay, maybe that's just some sort of art piece, but never underestimate the Dutch...

If Alkmaar is a smaller, quieter, and more charming version of Haarlem, then Edam might be a smaller, quieter, and more charming version of Alkmaar. Do you see a pattern here? Somewhere in Holland there is a little village that fits in the palm of your hand and radiates Old Europe
charm. Edam isn't quite that small, but it's close. And, while the cheese market was closed, the boys did buy some local cheeses from a local grower and we will definitely be headed back for more. For some reason, Rob only took one picture in Edam, and though it's been posted before, here it is again: Baby Angel Death Monkey!

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